March Meeting

The March meeting of the Loaningdale School Company took place on 19th March 2024.

A large number of grant applications had been submitted to the charity from a range of applicants, from individuals and community youth groups to local primary schools, musical theatre groups and gala organising committees. At every meeting, we are inspired by the passion of the organisations who apply to the charity for grants. From the small-scale to the larger-scale initiatives, each application we support is driven by a shared commitment: to make a positive impact on the lives of the young people who live in the Clydesdale area of South Lanarkshire.

The Trustees reviewed all of the applications, and decisions were made on grant awards for each. More than £32,000 in total was allocated to the individuals and organisations who had sought the charity’s support.

When we approve an application, we understand that our grants provide much more than just financial assistance. They can often be lifelines for organisations that are striving to make the best of the difficult economic conditions we find ourselves in, allowing them to continue to create brighter futures for the young people they support.

We at the Loaningdale School Company believe that, through the power of generosity and 
compassion, we can create opportunities within the Clydesdale area where every young person has the opportunity to thrive, and we will continue to support the various organisations that share our vision.

The next meeting of the Trustees is scheduled for 23 May 2024.

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